IL Law Requires Non-Union Contractors in non-construction related contracts to Post Job Openings on State Website

Effective July 23rd, 2013, Public Act 98-107 requires all individuals or companies that have contracts with State Agencies, Universities and Community Colleges to post certain Employment vacancies on the Illinois Department of Employment Security’s system or provide a link to its online employment vacancies site that is...

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There is no “working off the clock” – it’s Overtime

To avoid being sued for not paying overtime is to follow some basic principles and policies.  Make sure that you, your Supervisors and your Employees clearly understand the overtime policy.  There should be no “comp time” and no Off-the-Clock work with a nudge and a wink.  Using Comp Time is not an acceptable way of avoiding overtime claims. ...

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New I-9 form

On March 8, 2013, the government released a revised Employment and Eligibility Verification Form I-9 which employers must use effective immediately.  To obtain the new form you can use this link  This link provides the new form and instructions on appropriate verification documentation and how to complete...

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