Beginning with 2014, it is mandatory that businesses report changes in responsible parties to the IRS. For non-publicly traded entities, a responsible party is the person who has a level of control over, or entitlement to, the funds or assets in the entity that as a practical matter enables the individual, directly or indirectly, to control,...
On June 30th, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of three family-owned businesses, with the majority of the court saying that businesses can refuse to pay for certain forms of contraception they find “morally repugnant.” At issue are four contraceptives known as abortifacients which are contraceptives that prevent ovum implantation or cause a...
Relief for Late S-Election Under Rev. Proc. 2013-30
In August 2013, the IRS issued Rev. Proc. 2013-30 that consolidates and simplifies rules provided previously. Taxpayers now have 3 years and 75 days from the date the S-election was originally intended to be effective to file a late S-election. No use user fee will apply. The election will be effective as of that intended date. To qualify for...